This is the question we will attempt an answer.
This answer will vary a little depending on whether this is a replacement gymnasium floor in an existing building. Or a newly constructed building. For this exercise, we are going to be installing a new floor in a new building.
This answer will also vary depending on the size of the facility. We work in the Rocky Mountain West, we serve customers in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Washington, North & South Dakota, and Nebraska.
The average size of the gym floor in the facilities we work in is 8 – 12,000 square feet. Larger floors will take longer smaller floors may be installed in less time.
For the sake of this exercise, we will assume this floor is 8 – 12,000 sq ft.
We also have specific procedures that we do, others may not follow our process exactly. However, this article outlines what we believe are “best practices” in our area for our customers.
Week #1 Monday morning, take delivery of the gym floor materials. Unload the truck and bring the materials into the gymnasium.
Throughout the balance of week #1, we will install the subfloor system and stock the Maple on top of the subfloor system. This will allow the Maple to acclimate.

Week #2 Allow the Maple to acclimate. The HVAC system should be up and running. Room Temperature should be 55 – 75 degrees. The RH should be maintained at 35 – 50% relative humidity.
Week #3 Allow the Maple to acclimate. The HVAC system should be up and running. Room Temperature should be 55 – 75 degrees. The RH should be maintained at 35 – 50% relative humidity.
Week #4 Nail up the Maple and sand & seal under the bleacher footprint.

Week #5 Installation of bleachers, completion of any other overhead work in the gymnasium.
Week #6 Installation of bleachers, completion of any other overhead work in the gymnasium.
Week #7 Sand the gym floor, stain, and seal the gym floor.
Week #8 Screen the floor & clean the floor. Tape out game lines. Layout vinyl for logos and lettering. Paint the floor.
Week #9 Complete any remaining paintwork. Install base cove and threshold.

Week #10 Complete final paint touchups & apply the final coats of finish.
Week # 11 Allow the floor to cure for a week. Perhaps 2 if Oil Modified finish was used.