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How do we pay for work on our gym floor?

We often get asked this question. Schools, Civic Centers, Universities, YMCA’s and other owners of gymnasium floors often struggle to pay for the upkeep or replacement cost of their gym floors. Over the years we have been able to help facilities pay for upkeep and replacement of their gym floors through the use of Sponsorship Logo’s.

What is a Sponsorship Logo?

A Sponsorship Logo is simply allowing a business or entity advertising space on your gymnasium floor. Generally, on the main Basketball court.

This is not a new concept, virtually all professional teams across many sports allow sponsorship logos.

This race car features many sponsorship logos.

This bull rider sports 6 or 7 sponsors on his clothing.

Sponsorship logos have been a part of sports since the beginning of sports. The idea of sponsorship logos on Junior High and High School gym floors, while not unheard of, has not historically been as popular as it is on Colleges and Professional arenas.

However, with budget shortfalls becoming more & more frequent, exploring new revenue ideas for gymnasium floor maintenance and replacement costs may be worth the effort.

We can assist with the design of the floor and with the design of the sponsorship logos.

In our experience, Banks, Insurance agents, & Realtors are usually receptive to purchasing a sponsorship logo.

But sometimes, even the local mechanic will sponsor a gym floor!

We have seen sponsors pay between $5,000.00 and $30,000.00 to put a logo on a High School Gym Floor.

We will assist our customers with this process. At the end of the day, a beautiful new gym floor with some sponsorship logos looks a LOT better than an old, worn-out floor without them!!